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CoderDojo TwinCities MBot Glossary


This is an older programming system built on "C". We no longer offer Arduino classes in our CoderDojo sessions since Python can run on our all our robots.

Creative Commons License

All the content in the CoderDojo Twin Cities courses is original content that is covered under a Creative Commons Sharealike NonCommercial license. This means that:

  1. Teachers can use this content in any of their classrooms without fees
  2. Teachers can modify the content for their courses
  3. Teachers can't resell our content for fees

For details see CoderDojo Twin Cities Content Licensing


mBlock 5

mBlock 5 is a programming software designed for Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Mathematics (STEAM) education. Inspired by Scratch 3.0, it supports both graphical and textual programming languages.

The "m" stands for "Maker" and "Block" is for block programming.


Ping Sensor
