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A prompt is written instructions you give to a language model like ChatGPT. Prompts can begin as a short instruction such as generate a lesson plan on Python loops. If the results are not what you want, then you can add more text. The more context you put in your prompts and the more specific you are about what you want in the response the more you are likely to get what you desire.

Prompt Design Tips

Here are a few tips to help you get started.

Give Context

You are teaching a 6th-grade class in Python programming. The students don't have any background in coding.

Specify Your Audience

Generate an explanation of this program at the 8th-grade level.

Describe The Tone

Use a relaxed and friendly tone.

Provide Examples

Here is a sample list of colors:

colors = ["red", "orange", "yellow"]

generate 10 more colors in this format

Use Precise Specific Phrases

Note: There is a bug.

Try: There is a compile error on line 10.

Regression Line

Regression Line