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Team Ideas

Do you have an idea for a new IoT product? Great! Your are all set. However, if you are a first-timer to these events, you might want some suggestions of ideas. You can do one of these projects using our sample code and devices or you can mix and match these ideas to create a new project that is unique to your team.

Here are just a few ideas for teams that you can get started with classified by difficulty level.

Beginning Teams - Low difficulty

  • Control an LED strip with MicroPython (just 12 lines of Python code)
  • Control the flashing of an LED with a web server
  • Control an LED pattern with a web page
  • Control the message on a LED matrix with a web page

Intermediate Teams - Medium difficulty

  • Get the weather forecast from a web service and display it on OLED matrix
  • Get notifications from a service such as IFTTT and display them on an OLED matrix
  • Find some of the new sensors and integrated them into a device
  • Turn servos on or off using relays of high current switches (requires parental supervision)

Advanced Teams - High difficulty

  • Combine moisture sensors, weather and rainfall data to control sprinklers
  • Use a library such as TinyML to perform complex pattern recognition on incomming signals
  • Combine knowledge graphs and reasoning on sensor data to make good decisions about what events are relevant
  • Use machine learning an anomaly detection system to detect unusual events such as when a machine needs servicing or is out of allegement
  • Use a camera and the Python OpenCV library to detect motion and take photos of interesting events. Requires a Raspberry Pi camera module or a NVIDIA Jetson Nano camera module (see event organizers for details).