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Processing Examples

All of these p5.js examples were inspired by the wonderful Val Lockhart and Troy Peterson. They were the first to get the idea to generate p5.js code using ChatGPT.

If you are not familiar with p5.js, it is a high-quality JavaScript library for building interactive animations. It has been around since 2014 and it is supported by a large community of educators and creative people that combine programming with art. Because there is a strong ethos of sharing open-source p5.js scripts there is ample material for ChatGPT to be trained on. There are currently over 21,000 p5.js sketches found on GitHub!

Our goal here is to teach you how to write precise ChatGPT prompts that will generate a working p5.js simulation without having to understand how to write JavaScript.

Basic Examples

We are going to start with some basic examples that ChatGPT can easily handle. To test these examples we ask ChatGPT to generate a single p5.js sketch file that we can easily test and debug using the p5 Editor. You simply copy and paste the code into the editor overwriting the default setup and draw functions.


When you press the play button, the sketch runs continually which can quickly drain your battery if you are using a portable device.
It does this even if there is no visible motion on the canvas. p5.js continually runs the draw function until you press stop or the battery runs out.

My suggestion is to quickly press the stop button if you are on a battery-powered device.


Supply and Demand

Virus Simulation

A classic simulation of the rate that a virus spreads in a network.
Virus Simulation TODO - use a force-directed graph to rearrange the network.

Sierpinski Fractal Triangle

Sierpinski Fractal Triangle

Koch Fractal Curve

Koch Fractal Curve

Rabbit and Foxes

Simulate foxes eating rabbits.

Rabbit and Foxes

Projectile Motion

Canon Simulator

Mass on A Spring

This is a simulator of a mass on the end of a coiled spring.

The user can change:

  1. The mass amount (M)
  2. The spring constant (K)
  3. The damping factor (D)

Spring Simulator

The simulation still needs some UX work. The drag-down operation is not clean and the spring could be compressed more.

Simple Maze Runner

A simple grid layout of a maze and a mouse that can only move right or down.

Simple Maze Runner

Maze Generator

This sample program was not created by ChatGPT but it demonstrates an algorithm for generating maze diagrams.

Videos 1. Coding Challenge #10.1: Maze Generator with p5.js - Part 1 2. Coding Challenge #10.2: Maze Generator with p5.js - Part 2 3. Coding Challenge #10.3: Maze Generator with p5.js - Part 3 4. Coding Challenge #10.4: Maze Generator with p5.js - Part 4

Depth-first search Recursive backtracker Wikipedia Page

Maze Generator

To Dos

Here is a list of small animations that I have yet to do:

  1. EE - Simple circuits - battery, switch and light
  2. EE - Current measurement - measure the current in an LED circuit
  3. EE - H-Bridge - how to make a motor turn both forward and reverse using switches
  4. EE - Pulse-Width Modulation - how to send information from a microcontroller to a motor driver indicating the speed of a motor and the direction of a motor.
  5. EE - RGB LEDs - make any color by combining red, green a blue LEDs
  6. EE - LED Circuit
  7. EE - Distance sensor
  8. Robotics - Collision avoidance
  9. Robotics - Maze solving
  10. Robotics - Digital compass
  11. EE - Seven-segment display
  12. EE - Alphanumeric display
  13. EE - Character display (2 rows by 40 characters)
  14. EE - LED bar display
  15. EE - Addressable LED strip simulator
  16. EE - Physical computing - Microcontrollers, sensors, actuators, displays
  17. Robotics - Swarm robots
  18. EE - Color displays from red, green and blue LEDs
  19. Network science - vertices and edge counts - network complexity
  20. Network science - average degree
  21. Network science - in-degree and out-degree
  22. Network science - directed and undirected graphs
  23. Network science - acyclic graphs
  24. Network science - local communities
  25. Network science - traveling salesperson
  26. Machine learning - self-driving car
  27. Robot arms - degrees of freedom
  28. Simple gears
  29. AI - perceptron
  30. AI - bias and weights
  31. AI - activation functions
  32. AI - neural network
  33. AI - deep neural network
  34. AI - network complexity - parameter counting
  35. CS - bits, bytes and words
  36. CS - data types: strings, bytes, decimals and floats
  37. CS - data structures - lists, sets, arrays
  38. CS - sorting
  39. CS - recursion


Other Examples

oscillation sandbox