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Rhizomatic Learning Theory

Three Modes of Learning In pre-COVID CoderDojo classrooms we use a formal fixed curriculum based on static preprinted Concept Cards. Concept Cards were colorful 4X5 laminated cards that students would view as they entered a classroom. Unfortunately, with limited face-to-face interactions during the COVID pandemic, we are trying other more flexible ways of teaching and mentoring.

One approach is to use a more network approach called Rhizomatic Learning that abandons fixed hierarchial structure with a more networked model that allows students to move from topic to topic as their interests takes them.

Like any new pedagogical practice, the Rhizomatic Learning takes time to learn and support these structures in our content.

Advantages of Rhizomatic Learning

  1. Allows participants to react to evolving circumstances
  2. Allows agile learning to practices to adapt to new goals
  3. Keeps attention high as students new discoveries change their interests
  4. Ideally suited content developed with web hyperlinks

Disadvantages of Rhizomatic Learning

  1. Requires curriculum to be able to flow in a non-liner manner
  2. May require students to jump around in the content as they realize they don't have all the necessary knowledge to complete a task