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An introduction to BIPES

What is BIPES

BIPES (Block based Integrated Platform for Embedded Systems) allows text and block based programming for several types of embedded systems and Internet of Things modules using MicroPython. You can connect, program, debug and monitor several types of boards using a serial USB connection.

Why BIPES is Fun

BIPES hides the complexity of MicroPython by allowing users to program microcontrollers via an easy to use graphical interface similar to Scratch, making it ideal for younger students wanting to experiment with software/hardware interactions. BIPES has several built in libraries that make adding accessories to your microcontroller simple. The underlying code can be viewed in the console, giving the interested user the ability to learn as they build on coding concepts.

About this site

This site provides a rich collection of resources to teach computational thinking to students of all ages using fun programs that control the physical world around us.

The sub-field of computer science that reads sensors and controls lights and motors is called Physical Computing. You can read about physical computing on our MicroPython site.

Want to learn more?

This site will concentrate on using BIPES to program the Raspberry Pi Pico and the Cytron Maker Pi 2040 boards. The lessons are based, in part, on the MicroPython lessons covered in our MicroPython for Kids site. A discussion of how a breadboard works, different types of microcontrollers, and the Raspberry Pi Pico are all covered on that site.