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Web-UX Learning Objectives

Target audience

A typical 10-12 year old student that wants to learn how to create their own web pages.

Typical Sessions

Three one-hour sessions

Sample HTML Topics

  1. Introduction to HTML
  2. Markup - begin and end tags
  3. HTML file structure - html, head and body
  4. Bold, italic and underline
  5. Adding hypertext links
  6. Images
  7. Lists: unordered and ordered
  8. Tables: rows and columns
  9. Description lists
  10. Code
  11. Block quotes
  12. Inline quotes
  13. Subscripts and superscripts
  14. HTML colors: font, and background color

Sample CSS Topics

  1. Why use CSS
  2. CSS syntax
  3. Changing default behavior: font
  4. Adding class attributes to HTML elements
  5. CSS Selectors
  6. Location styling
  7. Styling based on state: hover and visited
  8. Combining selectors
  9. External vs. Inline CSS
  10. Inline styles
  11. At rules
  12. Shorthands
  14. White space
  15. Borders
  16. Using borders to debug layouts

Resources for learning Web

  1. CodePen
  2. JSFiddle