import machine
import utime
from ssd1306 import SSD1306_I2C
i2c=machine.I2C(0,sda=sda, scl=scl)
# Screen size
oled = SSD1306_I2C(width, height, i2c)
oled.fill(0) # clear to black
# note that OLEDs have problems with screen burn it - don't leave this on too long!
def border(width, height):
oled.hline(0, 0, width - 1, 1) # top edge
oled.hline(0, height - 1, width - 1, 1) # bottom edge
oled.vline(0, 0, height - 1, 1) # left edge
oled.vline(width - 1, 0, height - 1, 1) # right edge
# ok, not really a circle - just a square for now
def draw_ball(x,y, size, state):
if size == 1:
oled.pixel(x, y, state) # draw a single pixel
for i in range(0,size): # draw a box of pixels of the right size
for j in range(0,size):
oled.pixel(x + i, y + j, state)
# TODO: for size above 4 round the corners
border(width, height)
ball_size = 2
# start in the middle of the screen
current_x = int(width / 2)
current_y = int(height / 2)
# start going down to the right
direction_x = 1
direction_y = -1
# delay_time = .0001
# Bounce forever
while True:
draw_ball(current_x,current_y, ball_size,1)
# utime.sleep(delay_time)
# reverse at the edges
# left edge test
if current_x < 2:
direction_x = 1
# right edge test
if current_x > width - ball_size -2:
direction_x = -1
# top edge test
if current_y < 2:
direction_y = 1
# bottom edge test
if current_y > height - ball_size - 2:
direction_y = -1
# update the ball
current_x = current_x + direction_x
current_y = current_y + direction_y