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Although our students love hands-on learning with our DonkeyCars, there are other aspects of Artificial Intelligence we like to discuss in our classes. Here are some demos we use in our classrooms.

The Teachable Machine by Google

This demo works with almost any PC that has a built-in video camera. You give it a set of images or pictures, or sounds and you build a model that predicts what a new images our sounds might be. This is called a "classification" model.

Much of our classroom work is centered around the hot topic of Deep Learning. But AI is much more than just Deep Learning. Here are a few other areas to consider. (Taken from the book The Master Algorithm)

5 Camps of Machine Learning Demos

Connectionists (Neural Networks)

Check Out TensorFlow Playground

Analogizers (Support Vector Machines)


Bayesians (Bayes’ Theorem)

Check Out A Bayes' Theorem Example

Evolutionaries (Genetic Algorithms)

Watch This Animation Learn to Walk

Symbolists (Inverse Deduction)

Look at this Decision Tree Demo