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Docker on Nano


These instructions were copied from a message on the Discord Server that were posed by user naisy on at 08/31/2023 5:48 AM. They are not supported by the DonkeyCar project (yet).

Due to the complexities of building the correct environments on the Nano, one alternative is to use the Docker container system. Although this adds some additional overhead, it means that you can download a virtual machine with all the correct software installed.

You must have a minumum of a 64GB microSD card to run Docker on the NVIDIA Nano.

Step 1: Download Docker GitHub Repo

In this step we will clone a repository that has some very small UNIX shell scripts.

mkdir ~/projects
cd ~/projects
git clone
cd Docker

Step 2: Run the Permissions Shell Script

mkdir ~/docker
cp run-jetson-jp461-donkeycar??.sh ~/docker
cp ~/docker

cd ~/docker

Step 3: Run the Main Shell Script

Due to memory limitations, only one of either DonkeyCar 4.5 or DonkeyCar 5.0 should be activated.

DonkeyCar 4.5


or DonkeyCar 5.0


Login into the Virtual Machine

Log in to the jupyterlab terminal: PC Web browser for DonkeyCar 4.5

`` http://your_jetson_ip:8890/

for DonkeyCar 5.0 (dev3)
http://your_jetson_ip:8891/ Password: jupyterlab Launch JupyterLab Terminal ```

DonkeyCar: From this point on, it is exactly the same as a official donkeycar.

create mycar

donkey createcar --path ~/data/mycar45 cd ~/data/mycar45 ls