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GPU Shell Commands Quiz

When you use a new GPU server at an AI Racing League event there are many questions you need to have answered about your GPU server.

Here is a handy quiz you can use to check your knowledge. The answers to the questions are listed below.


Question 1: How would you log into the GPU server using the secure shell program?

A) $ login arl@arl1.local B) $ ssh arl@arl1.local C) $ enter arl@arl1.local D) $ connect arl@arl1.local

Question 2: How would you check the version of Ubuntu on the GPU server?

A) $ version -a B) $ lsb_release -a C) $ ubuntu_version -all D) $ check_ubuntu -a

Question 3: What information does the lscpu command provide?

A) It provides the CPU information. B) It lists the amount of RAM on the server. C) It checks the disk space. D) It shows per-user disk usage.

Question 4: Which command is used to check the total RAM on the GPU server?

A) $ free -m B) $ checkram -m C) $ listram -m D) $ raminfo -m

Question 5: What does the command df -h / provide?

A) It lists per user disk usage. B) It adds a new GPU server user. C) It checks the disk space. D) It monitors the NVIDIA GPU.

Question 6: How can a new GPU server user be added?

A) $ adduser <username> B) $ newuser <username> C) $ createuser <username> D) $ useradd <username>

Question 7: How can you give a user "sudo" rights?

A) $ sudo usermod -aG sudo <username> B) $ sudo addrights -aG sudo <username> C) $ sudo giverights -aG sudo <username> D) $ sudo addrules -aG sudo <username>

Question 8: How can the hostname be changed?

A) $ sudo vi hostname B) $ sudo edit hostname C) $ sudo change hostname D) $ sudo alter hostname

Question 9: What does the command watch -d -n 0.5 nvidia-smi do?

A) It adds a new GPU server user. B) It runs similar to the UNIX top command, but for the GPU. C) It checks the version of Ubuntu. D) It lists the CPU information.

Question 10: How would you check the NVIDIA GPU utilization?

A) $ checkgpu B) $ nvidia-smi C) $ gpu-utilization D) $ utilization nvidia


  1. B) $ ssh arl@arl1.local
  2. B) $ lsb_release -a
  3. A) It provides the CPU information.
  4. A) $ free -m
  5. C) It checks the disk space.
  6. A) $ adduser <username>
  7. A) $ sudo usermod -aG sudo <username>
  8. A) $ sudo vi hostname
  9. B) It runs similar to the UNIX top command, but for the GPU.
  10. B) $ nvidia-smi