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Proposal Generator

The following is a proposal generator using ChatGPT.

The prompt includes a template of the format and the content.


Create a document in raw markdown format.

Use the following template:

**Title:** Faculty Sponsored Design Project Proposal

**Course Name:** EE 4951 – Senior Design

**Semester:** Spring 2024

**Project Name:** AI Racing League

**Advisor name:** Dan McCreary


**Phone:** 612-625-7322

## Project Motivation and Background

[Single Paragraph]

## Project Goal and Objective

[Single Paragraph]

## Project Specifications

[Detailed Project Specification 1 to 2 Pages]

## Expected Deliverables for Final Product

[Single Paragraph and Numbered Bullet List]

## Technical Skills Required

[Numbered Bullet List of Technical Skills]

## Expected Budget

[Short Description of Costs - Bullet List]